Bo Eaton

Bo Eaton, President

It is my pleasure to welcome Bo Eaton, a skilled and energetic insurance professional, to the Deep Customer Connections family.

I’m delighted that Bo has chosen to focus his passion for innovation, business intelligence, and technology on serving DCC’s clients. As President, Bo will steer DCC’s strategic planning and operations. He will work closely with clients and partners to develop new ways to use DCC metrics to grow profitable business.

With the mainstreaming of BI and AI in business, Bo has the skills to help insurance organizations gain even more value from DCC insights.

Bo’s background and experience prepared him well for his new position. He is a second generation insurance professional. He grew up in a successful independent agency located in Quincy, Illinois. He moved to Chicago, where he worked for The Cincinnati Insurance Company. Most recently, he was a shareholder in the influential regional broker, Holmes Murphy, involved in the Group Captive/Alternative Risk space.

I’m confident that you’ll find Bo to be a valuable business contact moving forward. If you would like to meet him, just let us know.